Shri Shivaji Vidya Prasarak Sanstha’s

Late S. D. Patil alias Baburao Dada Arts, Commerce and Late M. D. Sisode Science College

Shindkheda  Dist. Dhule, Maharashtra-425406 | Affiliated with K.B.C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
NAAC Re-accredited with B+ (Cycle IV)

Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure

  • Admission to the First Year B.A/B.Com/B.Sc. classes is conducted as per the guidelines and schedule announced by the KBC North Maharashtra University Jalgaon. The schedule of admission is displayed on College Website and the Notice Board as it is received from the University.
  • Students must register online for admission. The College website provides admission link for online admission.
  • All admissions are provisional, subject to the approval of the University of Mumbai.
  • At the time of admission to the First Year B.A/B.Com/B.Sc courses, students are required to fill in the University enrolment form, without which the admission will not be approved by the University. If they fail to fill in the enrolment form they will not be allowed to appear for the examination and their names will be struck off from the College Roll.
  • No student will be deemed as admitted to the college unless he/she submits the duly filled downloaded College online form and has paid the necessary fees & deposits and obtained approval from the University.
  • A student of this college who has qualified himself / herself for admission to a higher class will be admitted to such a class only if an application in the prescribed online format is duly completed and has been received by the college office with the necessary fees on the dates which are stipulated by the college.
  • A student once admitted in the first/third/fifth semesters will be considered as duly enrolled for the second/fourth/sixth semesters also unless he/she informs in writing his/her intention to leave the college before the commencement of the second semester.
  • Students are expected to attend all lectures, practicals and tutorials regularly.


College Admission Online Link:

>>Click Here<<


Subjects Offered:

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a)      B.A. Marathi

b)     B.A. Hindi

c)      B.A. English

d)     B.A. Economics

e)      B.A. History

f)      B.A. Geography

B.Com. Accounting and Taxation

a) B.Sc. Chemistry

b) B.Sc. Physics

c) B.Sc. Botany

d) B.Sc. Computer Science

e) B.Sc. Microbiology


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a)      M.A. Hindi

b)     M.A. History

c)      M.A. Geography

a) M.Sc. Chemistry


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