Shri Shivaji Vidya Prasarak Sanstha’s

Late S. D. Patil alias Baburao Dada Arts, Commerce and Late M. D. Sisode Science College

Shindkheda  Dist. Dhule, Maharashtra-425406 | Affiliated with K.B.C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
NAAC Re-accredited with B+ (Cycle IV)

Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics

About The Department

Department of mathematics was established in June 1992 in order to impart the knowledge of Mathematics among the students. Mathematics is taught as optional subject at F.Y.B.Sc. and S.Y.B.Sc.

Department of Mathematics
Year of Establishment:UG1992
Names of Programmes / Courses offeredIntake capacity
F.Y.B.Sc. and  S.Y.B.Sc120

Program Specific Outcomes

B.Sc. (Mathematics)

Student, who has taken admission into this program of B. Sc with mathematics subject of study, is expected to target on following outcomes.

1Enabling students to develop attitude towards mathematics as an interesting and valuable subject of study.
2A students should get a relation understanding of mathematical concepts and concerned structures, and should be able to follow the patterns involved, mathematical reasoning.
3Ability to analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirements, which may be appropriate to its solution.

Introduction to various course like Matrix Algebra, calculus, Co-ordinate Geometry,

Group Theory, Differential equation.

5Ability to pursue advanced studies and research in pure and applied mathematical Science
6.Acquire good knowledge and understanding in advanced area of mathematics.
7Understand, formulate and use quantitative models arising in social science, Business and other contexts.


Teaching Staff:
1Name Prof. Jitendra Gorakh Patil
QualificationM. Sc.B.Ed.

Assistant Professor,

Head, Department of Mathematics

Experience24 Years
Contact (email)


Publications, Research papers published in the Peer-Reviewed / Referred Journals in last 5 years

Sr.Name of the TeacherTitle of the PaperName of Journal with ISSNYear/Volume &page No.
1Prof. Jitendra G. Patil

Special Issue No.109 Them:-Recent Innovations in Science and Technology.

P.P. 601-608 (April 2022)

Aayushi  International Interdisciplinary  Research Journal


ISSN No. 2349-638X

Impact Factor 7.331


Activities of the department

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